Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SOS ~ help I need a cool but warm clothing accessory

SOS ~ help I need a cool but warm clothing accessory.
Oh this is perfect for today!! I stayed home from school today~
Cheer for snow days! It is -50 with the wind chill.... burr....

Wow~ you know I have something that you will just be amazed
at how much fun this scarf is to make! My Mom's friend Jean is a
fiber artist! How cool is that!

My friends Fashion Nerd and Artist World came over last night
to join my mom, Jean, and myself on a fiber art adventure!
We learned how to make a scarf by weaving and then personalizing
it with my favorite bling!!! Oh Ya... Cool right... I know!

You will need yarn, if you don't have yarn a too small sweater,
or second hand sweater find will work.
You just unravel it like this:

Now you need cardboard or a clip board, scissors, a tapestry needle,
feathers, fancy yarns, ribbon, or any thing that blings!

Now with your yarn measure how long you want your scarf and cut five
strands to this length. Then leaving some end for dangle.... clip end into
clip board like so:

OK, so now keep the five strands separated, wrap at angle
 around clip board like so, then tape the end to the board.
Here is mine brown yarn, my moms blue yarn.


Back of clipboard:

Take your needle and thread it with contrasting color yarn.
Now weave it under, over, under , over, under, until making
sure when you finish the last string you start the next one following
pattern so that you don't do unravel it. You do this over and
over until you get to the end of your length. You can change
different colors like we did until you get to the end.

 Now wrap the end around the fringe (dangly part) and tie in knots.
Guess what is next?? Ya Right add the bling!!! You can add feather,
fancy yarn, ribbons, just bling away!! Cool right?

My mom's scarf:

My Scarf:

My friend Artist World's finished Scarf!

My friend Fashion Nerds Finished Scarf!

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